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10 simple ways to go green starting from today

Save money and live healthier

Nature is home to all creatures. But as magnificent as it is, it can get quite scary when it’s not treated well. Humanity knows a lot about it. We have been given this temporary paradise and most of the time, we have abused with our power. Most of us are growing up and making a living in the midst of crowdy cities and far from nature, losing the contact with the natural, with the pure, the uncontaminated, with the earth energy. Luckily, it is never too late to run to the trees, the fields, the mountains, the woods, the lakes.

Us, at Albania360, are committed to spark a desire to enjoy and at the same time to protect nature, greenery, trees, forests, lakes, seas. The importance of respect for the land should never be the last on your list. Yes, there are organizations, associations that have started working to reduce environmental pollution but they are alone and very small if each of us does nothing. We must be part of the chain to influence each other and the generations to come to respect the earth, because in this way we respect humanity.

Read our suggestions on 10 simple ways to go green starting from today and let us know if you took any action:

  1. Use solar thermal panels wherever you can. It will save you a lot of money in long terms.

  2. Choose Bikes within the city, public transport or electric taxis

  3. Plant a tree if you have a garden or start a balcony garden. You will eventually take care of your plants instead of wasting time on tv or on your mobile phone.

  4. Use a Recyclable Eco Friendly Water Bottle

  5. Take your own shopping bag to the grocery store, don’t ever the plastic ones and advice your friends to do so

  6. Use eco-friendly packaging and paper straws or don’t use them at all. Do you really need them?

  7. Unplug all of your electronics when they are not being used. Unplug unused chargers and appliances. When in office, turn off all the peripherals such as printers, speakers and scanners when not in use.

  8. When using the washing machine, wait till you have a full load of laundry to wash. This saves both water and energy on washing your clothes.

  9. Print only if you really have to. Take a picture or send a mail instead.

  10. Use Eco Friendly Toilet Paper

Credits: Alena Koval

Does any of them seem too difficult to apply? Most likely not.

The sooner you realise your impact on a healthier community beginning from your own actions, the better you will organise your green day and green life. Nowadays, going green is not a choice anymore, it is every citizen’s duty.

Let us know in the comments if this blog inspired you to go green today! 🙂